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  • Siddiqi, S.H., Balters, S., Zamboni, G., Cohen-Zomerman, S., Grafman, J.H. (2025, in print). Effects of Focal Brain Damage on Political Behavior Across Different Political Ideologies. BRAIN.
  • Balters, S., Brier Z.M.F., Kaysen, D. (2025, in print). Avoidant Coping Behaviors as Risk Factor in the Relationship Between Heterosexism and PTSD Severity Among Young Sexual Minority Women. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
  • Balters, S., Bier, Z., Miller, J.G., Kaysen, D. (2025, in print). Navigating Heterosexism: Unveiling the Impact of Isolation on PTSD Severity in Sexual Minority Women. Violence Against Women.
  • Balters, S., Schlichting, M., Walton, T.O., Kochenderfer, M.J., Kaysen, D. (2024). A Month in Review: Longitudinal Dynamics between Daily PTSD Symptom Networks, Affect, and Drinking Behaviors in Female College Students. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Balters, S., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A.L (2024, in print). Priming Activity to Increase Interpersonal Closeness, Inter-brain Coherence, and Team Creativity Outcome. In Design Thinking Research. Springer.
  • Geeseman, J.W., Hou, M., Balters, S., Darrah, S., Kuffner, M., Richardson, D., & Vorm, E. (2024, in print). The NATO Guidebook for Human Experimentation with Unmanned Aerial Systems.
  • Balters, S., Foland-Ross, L., Bruno, J., Periyakoil, V.J., Valantine, H., & Reiss, A.L. (2023). Neural Responses to Gender-Based Microaggressions in Academic Medicine. Journal of Neuroscience Research.
  • Balters, S., Miller, J.G. & Reiss, A.L. (2023). Expressing Appreciation Elicits Interpersonal Closeness and Inter-brain Coherence, Both In Person and Over Zoom. Cerebral Cortex, 33(11), 7211-7220.
  • Balters, S., Heaton, S., & Reiss, A.L (2023). A Neuroscience Approach to Women Entrepreneurs’ Pitch Performance: Impact of Inter-brain Synchrony on Investment Decisions. In Design Thinking Research. Springer.
  • Li, R., Saggar, M., Piccirilli, A., Hosseini, H., Balters, S., & Reiss, A. L. (2023) Current Opinions on the Present and Future Use of Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) in Psychiatry. Neurophotonics, 10(1), 013505-013505.
  • Balters, S., Miller, J.G., Li, R., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A.L. (2023). Virtual (Zoom) Interactions Alter Behavioral Cooperation and Dyadic Neural Coherence. Journal of Neuroscience.
  • Balters, S., Weinstein, T., Auernhammer, J., Mayseless, N., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A.L (2023). Design Science and Neuroscience: A Systematic Review of the Emergent Field of Design Neurocognition. Journal of Design Science, 84, 101148.
  • Espil, F.M., Balters, S., Li, R., McCurdy, B.H., Kletter, H., Piccirilli, A., Cohen, J.A., Weems, C.F., Reiss, A.L., & Carrion, V.G. (2022). Cortical Activation Predicts Posttraumatic Improvement in Youth Treated with TF-CBT or CCT. Journal of Psychiatric Research 1;156:25-35.
  • Balters, S., Schlichting, M., Garrett, A., Brigadoi, S., Foland-Ross, L., Miller, J.G., Kochenderfer, M.J., Reiss, A.L. (2022). Towards Affordable (Pediatric) PTSD Brain Biomarkers: A Deep Brain Inference Neuroimaging Approach. Cerebral Cortex, 33(7), 3969-3984.
  • Geeseman, J.W., Hou, M., Balters, S., Darrah, S., Kuffner, M., Richardson, D., & Vorm, E. (2022). The NATO Human-System Integration Guidebook.
  • Balters, S., Weinstein, T., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A.L. (2022). Interpersonal Trust Activity to Increase Team Creativity Outcome: An fNIRS Hyperscanning Approach. In Design Thinking Research. Springer.
  • Balters, S., Baker, J.M., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A.L. (2022). Inter-brain Synchrony and Innovation in a Zoom World Using Analog and Digital Manipulatives. In Design Thinking Research. Springer.
  • Geeseman, J. W., & Balters, S. (2022). Conflicting Spatial Representations Impairs Object Tracking Performance in an Aerospace Environment. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 167, 102883.
  • Balters, S., Li., R., Espil, F., Carrion, F., Weems, C.F., Cohen, J., & Reiss, A.L. (2021). Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Imaging Predicts Symptom Severity in Youth Exposed to Traumatic Stress. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 144, 494-502.
  • Li, R., Mayseless, N., Balters, S., & Reiss, A. L. (2021). Dynamic Inter-brain Synchrony in Real-life Inter-personal Cooperation: A Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Hyperscanning Study. NeuroImage, 238, 118263.
  • Balters, S., Baker, J. M., Geeseman, J. W., & Reiss, A. L. (2021). A Methodological Review of fNIRS in Driving Research: Relevance to the Future of Autonomous Vehicles. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 637589.
  • Balters, S., Gowda, N., Ordonez, F., & Paredes, P. E. (2021). Individualized Stress Detection using an Unmodified Car Steering Wheel. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 20646.
  • Kruse, L., Kochenderfer, M.J., Reiss, A.L. & Balters, S. (2021). Dyadic Sex Composition and Task ClassificationUsing fNIRS Hyperscanning Data. IEEE 2021 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications.
  • Balters, S., Baker, J. M., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A. L. (2020). Capturing Human Interaction in the Virtual Age: a Perspective on the Future of fNIRS Hyperscanning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 588494.
  • Sibi, S., Balters, S., Fu, E., Strack, E.G., Steinert, M., & Ju, W. (2020). Back to School: Impact of Training on Driver Behavior and State in Autonomous Vehicles. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium.
  • Balters, S., Mayseless, N., Hawthorne, G., & Reiss, A.L (2020). The Neuroscience of Team Cooperation versus Team Collaboration. In Design Thinking Research. Springer.
  • Geeseman, J., Balters, S., Cotton, O. F., Kiehl, Z., Lucia, L., & Tenison, C. (2020). Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) in an Aerospace Environment: Challenges and Considerations. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 91(10), 833-835.
  • Balters, S., Geeseman, J.W., Tveten, A.K., Hildre, H.P., Ju, W. & Steinert, M. (2020). Mayday, Mayday, Mayday: Using Salivary Cortisol to detect Distress (and Eustress!) in Critical Incident Training. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 78, 102975.
  • Balters, S., Mauriello, M.L., Park, S.Y., Landy, J.A., & Paredes, P. (2020). Calm Commute: Guided Slow Breathing for Daily Stress Management in Drivers. Journal of ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
  • Balters, S., Bernstein, M., & Paredes, P. E. (2019): On-road Guided Slow Breathing Interventions for Car Commuters. ACM Proceedings of Human Computer Interactions.
  • Balters, S., Bernstein, M., & Paredes, P. E. (2019): On-road Stress Analysis for In-car Interventions During the Commute. ACM Proceedings of Human Computer Interactions.
  • Balters, S., Murnane, E. L., Landay, J., & Paredes, P. E. (2018): Breath Booster! Exploring In-Car, Fast-Paced Breathing Interventions to Enhance Driver Arousal State. Proceedings of the EIA Pervasive Health Conference.
  • Paredes, P. E., Zhou, Y., Hamdam, N. A. -H., Balters, S., Murnane, E., Ju, W., & Landay, J. A. (2018). Just Breathe: In-Car Interventions for Guided Slow Breathing. Journal of ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
  • Paredes, P. E., Balters, S., Qian, K., Murnane, E., Ju, W., and Landay, J. A. (2018). Driving with the Fishes: Towards Calming and Mindful Virtual Reality Experiences for the Car. Journal of ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies.
  • Balters, S., & Steinert, M. (2017). Capturing Emotion Reactivity Through Physiology Measurement as a Foundation for Affective Engineering in Engineering Design Science and Engineering Practices. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 28, 1585-1607.
  • Balters, S., Sibi, S., Johns, M., & Ju, W., & Steinert, M. (2017): Learning-by-Doing: Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Detect Habituation and Adaptation in Automated Driving. Proceedings of the Automotive UI Conference.
  • Sibi, S., Balters, S., Ju, W., & Steinert, M. (2017): Assessing Driver Cortical Activity during Varying Levels of Automation with Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium.
  • Limseth, G., Cuesta, K., Balters, S., García Cifuentes, J.P., & Steinert, M. (2016). Smell – Forgotten yet Critical Dimension in Product Development? International Conference on Design Creativity.
  • Kriesi C., Balters, S., & Steinert, M. (2016). Experimental Studies in Interaction Design and Engineering Design Science - A Repository for Experiment Setups. NordDesign, Design Society.
  • Leikanger, K. K., Balters, S. & Steinert, M. (2016). Introducing the Wayfaring Approach for the Development of Human Experiments in Interaction Design and Engineering Design Science. International Design Conference.
  • Balters, S., Jensen, M. B. & Steinert, M. (2015). Physiology and Sensorial Based Quantification of Human-Object Interaction - the QOSI matrix. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design.
  • Jensen, M. B., Balters, S. & Steinert, M. (2015). Measuring Prototypes – A Standardized Quantitative Description of Prototypes and their Outcome for Data Collection and Analysis. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design. Kriesi et al. (2015). Distributed Experiments in Design Sciences, A Next Step in Design Observation Studies? Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design.
  • Wulvik, A., Balters, S. & Steinert, M. (2015). Photography - A New Tool in Needfinding. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design.
  • Balters, S. & Steinert, M. (2014). Decision-Making in Engineering—A Call for Affective Engineering Dimensions in Applied Engineering Design and Design Sciences. International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing.
  • Kriesi, C., Steinert, M., Meboldt, M., & Balters, S. (2014). Physiological Data Acquisition for Deeper Insights into Prototyping. NordDesign, Design Society.